Active Kids Go Far



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Active Kids is a subsidy scheme for parents, run by the Office of Sport in NSW, which aims to provide redeemable vouchers to encourage children's sports participation. They needed a campaign help drive awareness of the scheme specifically amongst lower socio-economic suburbs, especially among Indigenous and CALD communities, improving both registration and redemption across key LGA’s (Local Government Areas) by 10% 


Regardless of culture, ethnic background or socio-economic bracket, every parent wishes for their kids to do well. So, in the end, we decided to reframe what the Active Kids $100 voucher stood for entirely. Instead of focusing just on physical activity & sport, Active Kids would be a means to help enable a child to GO FAR.  

Knowing that we needed to speak to a number of different ethnic groups in different places, we needed a creative idea that was truly modular to be adaptable to different environments, languages & cultures. We developed a series of inspirational images that would speak to both parent and child about what taking part in sports or physical activities really means, not just for their physical health but their future.


We developed 10 modular designs depicting children from different ethnic backgrounds projecting a shadow of their future, successful, self. Each creative targeted a different CALD community and attention was paid to cultural nuances &s; traditions. For example, our Chinese child wore red and the number 8 on their sports jersey, deemed lucky by the Chinese community, making the creative more culturally relevant to that audience. 

This modular design meant we could mix ’n’ match the creative easily in order to speak to all our CALD communities. We then targeted our individual priority areas, with the right cultural message through targeted outdoor, print, social & radio.


Increased voucher redemption


Kids participated in the scheme


Combined media impressions


Cost per voucher redemption